Crime Defined

  1. 4. classification for a crime of medium gravity
  2. 6. force that is intended or known by the actor to cause, or in the manner of its intended use is capable of causing, death or serious bodily injury
  3. 8. a wrong; a private or civil wrong or injury resulting from a breach of a legal duty
  4. 9. when a person voluntarily submits to the authority of the officer
  5. 11. harmful result; element of a crime
  6. 12. classification for the least serious type of crime
  7. 15. Latin phrase meaning “bad in itself”
  8. 18. simultaneous occurrence of criminal act and criminal intent
  9. 19. criminal act
  10. 21. actual, corporeal, and forcible detention
  11. 22. Latin phrase meaning “bad because prohibited”
  1. 1. any firearm or other weapon, device, or instrument which in the manner of its use or intended use is capable of producing death or serious bodily injury
  2. 2. officers must be within their jurisdiction and their legal right to arrest
  3. 3. factor which favors the accused and makes a lesser charge and/or sentence
  4. 5. a sixth sense, gut feeling, or thought that is not based on any actual information
  5. 7. facts or evidence that would make a reasonable person believe that a crime or wrongdoing has been, is being, or will be committed
  6. 9. illegal action or activity which is punishable by law
  7. 10. unauthorized departure from custody or failure to return to custody
  8. 13. can be given verbally or physically
  9. 14. criminal intent
  10. 16. classification for the most serious type of crimes
  11. 17. has been altered from its original intended use
  12. 19. factor which supports a more serious charge and/or stiffer penalty
  13. 20. actual seizure of a person or under arrest by a peace officer