Crime Prevention Crossword

  1. 3. A good place to park your car
  2. 8. Items that need to be removed
  3. 9. One reason why people break into cars
  4. 11. Crime fighters
  5. 13. Anti-theft device
  6. 14. What should you do if your car has been broken into?
  1. 1. Most common way people get into cars
  2. 2. How you should always leave your car
  3. 4. "If we can see it, _________________"
  4. 5. Commonly stolen item used to commit other crimes
  5. 6. Helps you find your way
  6. 7. They should always be rolled up
  7. 10. Something that should ALWAYS be removed from a car
  8. 12. Expensive music player
  9. 15. What often happens to items stolen from cars?