Crime Scene Investigator

  1. 5. pattern often found on the ground.
  2. 6. F.I.S.
  3. 10. invisible fingerprint
  4. 11. 60 - 65% of all fingerprints
  5. 12. forensic _ _ _ ( composite drawing for example)
  6. 13. A sample collected from a victim
  7. 16. digital images of a crime scene
  8. 17. 30-. 35% of all fingerprints
  1. 1. Cyanacrylate Ester - chemical for fingerprint processing
  2. 2. Edmund - famous for the "exchange principal".
  3. 3. details in fingerprints - bifurcations are one type
  4. 4. Kastle-Meyer presumptive for blood
  5. 7. when painting with light occurs
  6. 8. Sir Francis- father of "points"
  7. 9. Deoxyribonucleic acid
  8. 13. written records of an investigation
  9. 14. a person qualified for specialized testimony in court
  10. 15. rarest pattern type