Crime Stories & M. Mills

  1. 3. (v) a synonym for "murder" in English
  2. 10. (v) the prétérit for "trouver" in English
  3. 11. (n) George Ruben and Jane Mills are _______ of M. Mills' murder
  4. 14. "inspecteur in English"
  5. 15. (n) a reason to kill or to commit a crime, for example money, revenge, jealousy...
  6. 16. (N) George______ was a suspect because he owed the victim £5000.
  7. 20. (n) a person who saw/looked at a crime and has information
  8. 22. (n) the English for "preuves"
  9. 25. (v) the victim was ________ on his wife Jane Mills
  10. 27. (n) the activities of the suspects at the time of the crime, and a defense against accusations
  11. 28. (n) "enquête" in English
  12. 30. (n) people with a motive to commit a crime
  13. 31. (v) "tirer sur quelqu'un" in English ( base verbale)
  14. 32. (n) clues connecting suspects to the crime after they were analyzed.
  1. 1. (n) a synonym for "murderer" in English
  2. 2. (en deux mots) on le met devant un verbe qui n'est PAS to be pour une négation au prétérit
  3. 4. (adj) when you are NOT the killer, you are ________
  4. 5. (n) when a person gives a description of a crime or of a suspect's activities.
  5. 6. (v) a synonym for "kill"
  6. 7. (n) information you find on the crime scene, for example fingerprints
  7. 8. (n) a synonym for "killer" in English
  8. 9. (exp) a type of paper evidence proving you owe money to someone
  9. 12. (n) when the killer IS the victim... This is impossible for M. Mills.
  10. 13. (N) M.________ was shot in the head from behind
  11. 17. (N) M. Mills' lover
  12. 18. (v) "enquêter" in English
  13. 19. (v) "devoir de l'argent" in English (V.R. non conjugué)
  14. 21. (v) "poignarder" in English (V.R. non conjugué)
  15. 23. (v) "étrangler" in English (V.R. non conjugué)
  16. 24. (n) the crime weapon, and an important clue
  17. 26. (adj) the opposite of innocent in English.
  18. 29. (n) when evidence connects you to a crime, you are a ________
  19. 30. (v) "tirer sur quelqu'un" in English (participe passé)