Crime stories vocabulary

  1. 4. A person who killed another person.
  2. 5. English word for "témoigner".
  3. 7. An object to cut or to cook.
  4. 9. The reason why a person commits a crime.
  5. 10. English word for "enquête".
  6. 12. An object to shoot a person.
  7. 13. Opposite of "alive".
  8. 15. Synonymous of "proof".
  9. 16. English word for "indice".
  1. 1. A person who is guilty.
  2. 2. The mark of a finger.
  3. 3. A person who investgates with the police.
  4. 4. Synonymous of "assassination".
  5. 5. English word for "témoignage".
  6. 6. A red liquid in a body.
  7. 8. The body of a dead person.
  8. 11. English word for "résoudre".
  9. 14. A person who saw something.