
  1. 1. to treat someone badly with words or acts e.g. by calling someone names
  2. 3. police officer
  3. 4. the person who adresses the court as an advocate is making a ...
  4. 8. if a criminal is released before the completion of the sentence e.g. during good behaviour, he is released on ...
  5. 9. the public officer who examines a body after a murder has been committed
  6. 11. synonym of proof
  7. 12. if you don't agree with the court's decision you can have your case reviewed
  8. 14. a grave crime such as murder
  9. 16. killing a person without premeditation
  10. 18. a person who has seen the crime, who testifies in a case
  11. 19. to say that someone is innocent and is not to blame for a crime
  1. 2. the person who defends you in court
  2. 3. synonym of accuse
  3. 5. synonym of kidnap
  4. 6. a synonym for scoundrel/criminal
  5. 7. circumstances that make your crime more severe
  6. 10. legal term for the person who has to appear before the court
  7. 13. something you take illegally, often by force or violence e.g. in a bank robbery
  8. 15. if you don't tell the truth in court you commit ...
  9. 17. to bring a legal action against someone because he/she has done something wrong