Crimes Against People and Property

  1. 6. Threats used in order to obtain something
  2. 8. Crime A crime motivated by prejudice
  3. 10. Theft of personal property
  4. 11. Provides prisoner with tools to improve life after prison
  5. 13. Obtaining property by a law or trick
  6. 16. Murder
  7. 17. Killing someone unlawfully and with premeditation
  8. 18. Attempting to prevent an act, or certain behavior from happening
  9. 19. Goes with battery
  10. 20. A criminal that deliberately sets fire to someone else's property.
  1. 1. Lying under oath
  2. 2. Harmful or offensive touching of another
  3. 3. Payments made from the criminal to the victim in order to compensate
  4. 4. Removing criminal to protect society and prevent them from committing other crimes
  5. 5. Crime committed on the internet
  6. 7. Stealing with forms of a threat
  7. 9. Destroying property on purpose
  8. 12. Oldest form of punishment
  9. 14. Stealing by breaking an entry
  10. 15. Offenses involving dishonesty for personal gain