Crimes Against People and Property

  1. 1. human killing
  2. 3. immediate threat of attacking someone
  3. 4. illegal entry into any building with the intent to commit a crime
  4. 7. direct payments made from criminal to victim as compensation for a crime
  5. 9. the taking of a person's property by violence
  6. 12. illegal touching of another person
  7. 13. obtaining another's property through lies and deceit
  8. 14. unlawful taking of another's property with the intention of permanently depriving the owner of its possession
  9. 15. seeks to treat and reform the lawbreaker
  10. 16. the crime of intentionally defacing another person's property
  1. 2. blackmail
  2. 5. unlawful killing of another person with malice aforethought
  3. 6. Crime a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice
  4. 8. stealing another's property
  5. 10. seeks to isolate a criminal from society to protect ordinary citizens
  6. 11. the crime of lying while testifying under oath
  7. 17. burning something of someone else's