Crimes Against People and Property

  1. 3. crime conducted on the internet
  2. 7. another word for murder
  3. 8. the inhibition of criminal behavior by fear of punishment
  4. 9. illegal entry of a building with intent of theft
  5. 12. recompense for injury or loss
  6. 13. a state of being disabled
  7. 14. the vengful punishment for a criminal act
  8. 15. the unlawful killing of a person by another
  9. 16. criminal deception intended to to result in personal gain
  10. 18. unconsented physical contact with another person
  11. 19. theft of personal property
  1. 1. willingly telling an untruth in court while under oath
  2. 2. the act of obtaining something through force or threats
  3. 4. the misuse of an asset with which a person was trusted
  4. 5. to restore to good health or ability to work
  5. 6. a crime motivated by racial, sexual, or other prejudice
  6. 10. deliberately setting fire to property
  7. 11. deliberate destruction of public or private property
  8. 14. the act of robbing a person or place
  9. 17. a physical attack