Crimes and criminals II

  1. 2. the statements that are give in court
  2. 6. the punishment applied by the jury in a court
  3. 8. the person who was affected by the suspect
  4. 10. payment to the court to allow a suspect to go home before a trial
  5. 11. crime that involves violence
  6. 13. someone who set things o fire
  7. 16. the decision made by a jury
  8. 17. the suspect that is blamed for committing a crime
  9. 18. to say in court if your are innocent or not
  10. 19. a legal process to decide if someone is innocent
  1. 1. payment made as a punishment for committing a crime
  2. 3. criminal who take things from stores
  3. 4. someone who destroys or damages others property
  4. 5. the room where a suspect or criminal is lock
  5. 7. to officialy accuse someone of a crime
  6. 9. when the suspect did not commit the crime is...
  7. 12. when someone is responsible of a crime
  8. 14. the place where crimminal are taken and lock
  9. 15. the people that is in charge to decide give a verdict