Crimes and Defenses

  1. 2. Criminal act of purposefully setting property on fire.
  2. 4. taking someone's property by violence or the threat of violence.
  3. 9. Obtaining something through force or threats.
  4. 10. Intentionally defacing or destroying someone else's property.
  5. 11. Illegally entering a building to steal someone's property.
  6. 14. stealing someone else's property they entrusted to you.
  7. 17. Helping convicted offenders change their life around.
  8. 18. Crime A crime motivated by race or other prejudice's.
  9. 19. Crime conducted via the internet.
  10. 20. Deliberate act of unlawfully killing a person.
  1. 1. Killing someone unlawfully with premeditation.
  2. 3. The offense of willfully telling the untruth in a court after taking an oath.
  3. 5. The illegal touching of another person usually an attack.
  4. 6. To make a physical attack.
  5. 7. wrongful or criminal deception to result in personal gain.
  6. 8. removing criminals from a society they have offended.
  7. 12. Punishment inflicted on someone for doing a wrong act.
  8. 13. repayment from a criminal to the victim as compensation.
  9. 15. Theft of personal property.
  10. 16. The fear of punishment will prevent crimes.