Crimes & Criminals

  1. 2. The action or crime of stealing
  2. 3. One who commits sexual assault
  3. 6. Unlawfully seizing control of a vehicle in transit
  4. 9. Theft or misappropriation of funds placed in one's trust or belonging to one's employer
  5. 11. Extortion of money or something else of value by threat of exposure
  6. 13. Driving above the legal speed limit
  7. 14. Entry into a building illegally with intent to commit a crime
  1. 1. One who unlawfully kills another person
  2. 4. The act of stealing from someone's pockets without them noticing
  3. 5. One who illegally takes someone against their will
  4. 7. A person who commits robbery
  5. 8. Move goods illegally into or out of a country
  6. 10. Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain
  7. 11. Offering money or gifts to alter the behavior of the recipient
  8. 12. The criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property