Criminal and Civil Concepts

  1. 3. the harm would not have occurred if the defendant had not acted in the way they did
  2. 7. laws that aim to ensure that a person's reputation is not harmed because of false statements that are made about them
  3. 10. a person who commits an offence and who has carried out an actus reus (two words)
  4. 12. laws that aim to ensure that people who owe a duty of care to each other do not breach that duty
  5. 13. the defendant failed to observe a law or obligation imposed on them
  6. 15. the type of harm suffered by a person
  1. 1. a guarantee by the state to it's citizens that if they're accused of committing a crime they will be treated as not guilty until the charge has been proved beyond reasonable doubt (three words)
  2. 2. less serious offences requiring the accused to be tried before a Magistrate without a Jury
  3. 4. an area of law that defines the rights and responsibilities of individuals, groups and organisations in society and regulates private disputes (two words)
  4. 5. serious offences requiring the accused to be tried before a Judge and a Jury in a higher court
  5. 6. the person(s) or entity that has been accused of committing a wrongful act
  6. 8. the responsibility to prove the case (three words)
  7. 9. a person who knowingly assists another person who has committed a serious indictable offence to avoid being arrested, prosecuted, convicted or punished
  8. 11. the person(s) who has alleged that wrongdoing has been done to them
  9. 14. an act or omission associated with injurious, threatening or immoral conduct that is considered detrimental to the individual or group affected, and incurs some punishment of the guilty by the state