Criminal and Civil Law

  1. 2. - accused of committing a wrongful act
  2. 5. - right or power of a court
  3. 7. - role of the courts (2)
  4. 10. - when an individuals reputation has been harmed (2)
  5. 12. - punishment given when law is broken
  6. 14. - serious offences that are tried before a judge (2)
  7. 15. - degree a case must be proved in court (3)
  1. 1. - person who commits an offence
  2. 3. - role of the police
  3. 4. - type of civil law
  4. 6. - hears summary offences
  5. 8. - burden of proof
  6. 9. - harm suffered by a person
  7. 11. - omission against an existing law
  8. 13. - area of law that regulates private disputes (2)