Criminal and Moriarty

  1. 3. something Sherlock and Moriarty were pointing to each other
  2. 5. if you are _ , you are assumed to be untrustworthy
  3. 7. someone who discovers new insights on the crime
  4. 8. scene, where it occurred
  5. 9. of Crime, Moriarty
  6. 10. work of scientists to help the police examine evidence
  7. 11. crimes often occur during this time
  8. 13. the ship both Sherlock and Moriarty were on
  9. 14. taking the life of another
  10. 16. stealing things
  11. 17. inflicting pain upon a person
  1. 1. the culprit tries not to leave these
  2. 2. intentional death
  3. 4. often known to be serial killers
  4. 6. false appearance
  5. 12. someone who may be guilty of committing a crime
  6. 15. Sherlock's residence