Criminal Cases

  1. 4. the decider of the law
  2. 7. minor offences
  3. 9. the decision made by juries after a trial
  4. 10. the accused is judged by these
  5. 12. the judges of the facts in indictable crimes
  6. 13. a verdict where one juror does not agree
  7. 14. a verdict where all jurors agree
  8. 15. serious offences
  9. 16. standard of proof - beyond reasonable ...
  10. 17. a formal accusation of committing a crime
  1. 1. the presumption of ....
  2. 2. a reason for a court hierarchy
  3. 3. the discussions undertaken by juries
  4. 5. a reason for a court hierarchy relating to expertise of judges
  5. 6. legal practitioners trying to prove guilt
  6. 8. the number of people on a criminal jury
  7. 11. the party accused of a crime