Criminal Code Vocab

  1. 5. Unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property in order to intimidate or coerce a government, the civil population in an attempt to further certain political or social objectives.
  2. 6. using someones personal information without his or hers consent to commit a crime.
  3. 8. Taking someones property without his or hers consent.
  4. 9. The application or treat of force without the other persons consent.
  5. 13. The pursuit or repeated communication with an unwilling victim.
  6. 14. Theft involving violence or threats of violence.
  7. 16. Words,images or actions that are offensive to the public morality.
  8. 18. A violation of traffic regulations, such as breaking the speed limits.
  9. 19. The illegal, forced removal of a child from the custodial parent.
  10. 22. the body of public law that declares actions to be crimes and prescribes punishments for those crimes.
  1. 1. Culpable homicide that is not murder or infanticide.
  2. 2. The killing of another person, directly or indirectly.
  3. 3. The age at which a young person can legally consent to sexual activity.
  4. 4. The act of counselling, aiding, or abetting someone to commit a crime.
  5. 7. Mercy killing, usually to relieve suffering.
  6. 10. A hand-held weapon, such as a rifle, pistol, or other portable gun.
  7. 11. Intentionally causing damage to property by fire.
  8. 12. Sexual activity in exchange for money.
  9. 15. entering someones premises without permission with intent to commit an indictable offence.
  10. 17. Intentional homicide
  11. 20. Intentional deceit in order to cause a loss of property.
  12. 21. agreement given freely and voluntarily.