  1. 4. It's an drink use by a killer which kills or sleeps a lot of victimes
  2. 7. It's a very famous people who search a bad murderer created by a author
  3. 8. It's an residence which they robber and a murderer lives for many times
  4. 9. It's an object in a gun which kills and injures robber or a murderer
  5. 10. It's an object which protects the famous people for murder or a cambriolage
  1. 1. It's an object which cover the face of a murderer
  2. 2. It's an object loot on the lot of arms and the police which searchs and detects the murderer later
  3. 3. It's an object put on the walls of the city which makes peoples aware the disparition of a thief,a murderer...
  4. 5. It's an person who steals sometimes on the little market
  5. 6. It's an object use for safe they rare objects