Criminal Crossword

  1. 4. Defence where the act becomes lawful
  2. 6. Wrong but denial in culpability
  3. 8. Intoxication
  4. 10. Gross Negligence Manslaughter
  5. 12. Prior to loss of self control
  6. 15. R v Cunningham (1957)
  7. 19. unintentional killing
  8. 20. complete loss of self control
  9. 22. Failure to act
  10. 24. 2016 ruling that changed complicity
  11. 25. Test for Duress
  12. 26. S.20 OAPA 1861
  13. 27. Devlin J defining Disease of the Mind
  14. 28. William ______
  15. 30. Goal or Objective
  16. 31. arrested outside post office
  1. 1. _______ Manslaughter
  2. 2. R v G (2004)
  3. 3. No NAI if V's act is reasonable
  4. 5. _____ Criminal Damage
  5. 7. ________ burden
  6. 9. Inflict is to be interpreted as caused
  7. 11. Co-Defendants
  8. 13. More than merely preparatory
  9. 14. disease of the mind
  10. 15. Homicide
  11. 16. Necessary for Result Crimes
  12. 17. Test for Dangerous
  13. 18. duty to avert danger
  14. 21. defence for bodily privacy invasion
  15. 23. Re A (2001)
  16. 29. Reasonable for self defence