Criminal Crosswords

  1. 2. A defense to a criminal charge alleging that the accused was somewhere other than at the scene of the crime at the time it occurred.
  2. 3. The act of condemning a person or property.
  3. 5. One human being unlawfully kills another human being.
  4. 8. The inchoate offense of offering money to someone with the specific intent of inducing that person to commit a crime.
  5. 10. In a civil matter, the party sued by the plaintiff; in a criminal matter, the party who is prosecuted.
  6. 12. A crime at common law defined as unlawful sexual intercourse with someone without their consent and by means of fear or force.
  7. 13. In a civil matter, the party who initiates a lawsuit (against the defendant).
  8. 15. Person younger than age of 18.
  9. 16. The crime of stealing something from a person or place.
  10. 18. Anything (physical or intangible) that can be owned by a person or entity.
  11. 19. The offense of betraying one’s own country by attempting to overthrow the government through waging war against the state or materially aiding its enemies.
  1. 1. The crime of demanding money from a person by threatening to tell somebody else a secret about them.
  2. 4. An ADR method with a neutral person helping the parties find a solution to their dispute.
  3. 6. A civil or criminal proceeding. May be called an action, suit, or controversy, depending on the jurisdiction and nature of the dispute.
  4. 7. An appointed or elected official who decides legal disputes in court.
  5. 9. The process of making an official decision about who is right when two groups or organizations disagree; the decision that is made.
  6. 11. Any charge of money or property that imposed by a government upon individuals or entities that are within the government's authority to collect.
  7. 12. The official transcript of a trial or public hearing, including in the case of a trial all evidence introduced.
  8. 14. A person with first-hand knowledge of an event, that testifies to that knowledge during a trial or other legal proceeding.
  9. 17. An order issued by a legal authority with administrative or judicial powers, typically a court.