Criminal Defences

  1. 4. being rendered incapable of forming criminal intent by alcohol or drugs; this condition may be used to disprove the existence of mens rea necessary for some crimes or as a mitigating factor in sentencing
  2. 8. a principle of sentencing allowing a judge to consider a sentence that is not excessively harsh or long when an offender is ordered to serve a consecutive sentence
  3. 11. sentence, A penalty that has no fixed length but is subject to periodic review.
  4. 15. an alleged criminal act whereby an accused had the necessary mens rea was supposed defending himself or herself property or others.
  5. 18. of probabilities, Standard of proof required in a civil action showing that it is more likely than not that something occurs.
  6. 19. Justice, The concept that true justice is concerned with more than simply the punishment of offenders, it strives to meet victim’s needs medical care, counseling, rehabilitation.
  7. 20. punishment defense, A defense permitting a parent, or one who acts in place of a parent, to physically discipline a child as long as the discipline is reasonable and falls within the supreme court’s guideline
  8. 21. Deterrence, And the objective of sentencing that aims to prevent an individual offender from committing again.
  9. 22. a disciplinary: Action imposed by a court restriction, suspension, or termination of normal privilege may be used in labor or international disputes and by the legal system.
  10. 23. a form of release, subject to conditions, into the community for offenders after they have sewed part of their sentence.
  11. 24. disorder defense, a defense that in 1992, replaced the insanity defense with the verdict changing from nit guilty by reason of insanity to not criminally responsible by reason of mental disorder.
  12. 28. factors, elements that increase the offender’s responsibility for his or her actions and are considered by the judge in imposing more severe sentence evidence that the offender was motivated by ethnicity.
  13. 29. A defense arguing hat an accused was induced by a government agent into committing a crime he or she would not otherwise have committed
  14. 31. Intent, The mental purpose to accomplish a specific act prohibited by law The defendants must intense not only to commit the ACT charged, but also to violate the law. law
  15. 33. discharge, A sentencing option used by a judge whereby no conviction is recorded and n conditions are etched.
  16. 34. A fundamental principle of sentencing that allows the judge to weigh the seriousness of the offense when selecting an appropriate sentence.
  17. 35. an objective of sentencing provides for the treatment or correction of the offender.
  18. 37. of law, Addison sometimes used if an accused has made every effort to conform to the law and has been provided with professional, and incorrect.
  19. 38. the state in which a person has no conscious control over a defense used so that people in this stage cannot be found criminally responsible self-defense
  20. 39. Used to describe a sentence that allows for one sentence term to follow another, may be imposed in circumstances where the offender has been charged and convicted of multiple offenses
  1. 1. The concept that there is no defense, false is not an issue, and the accused is converted based on the guilty.
  2. 2. Circles, a system of restorative justice, rooted in aboriginal cultures whereby the community helps to determine an appropriate sentence for an offender who is willing to participate and accept responsibility for his or her activity.
  3. 3. A defense that reduces the charge of murder to manslaughter if it can be proven that the accused acted in the heat of the passion and was sufficiently provoked such that any reasonable person may have reacted
  4. 5. serving a term on weekends or evenings, which is sometimes allowed in short term sentences.
  5. 6. women syndrome, A condition of for fearfulness and hopelessness experienced by women who have been abused
  6. 7. offender, A Criminal Code classification given to someone who has committed an offense for which there was serious personal injury and who continues to pose a threat to society.
  7. 9. rules, the test this is applied to the defense of insanity whereby an accused is not held criminally responsible if, at the rime of committing the act, there was a disease Of the mind that made him or incapable of knowing nature and quality the form that was wrong
  8. 10. Payments of money compensation for harm or injury, compensations for damage incurred during war paid by defeated countries to victorious countries.
  9. 12. Deterrence, An objective of sentencing that aims to deter or discourage other members of society from committing the same crime.
  10. 13. Intent, The goal of committing an illegal act, with no illegal purpose beyond that.
  11. 14. A defense arguing that an accused was forced to commit act under threat of personal injuring or death
  12. 16. crime or the character of a particular accused.
  13. 17. A principle of sentencing that allows a judge to consider imposed on similar offenders committing similar offenses in similar circumstances.
  14. 25. an objective of sentencing that allows a judge to consider society’s revulsion for a
  15. 26. That which render and actor criminal and deserving of more blame or punishment
  16. 27. A principle of sentencing that allows judges to consider options other than imprisonment when imposing a sentence.
  17. 30. Factors, factors that decrease the offender’s responsibility for his or her actions and are considered by the judge in imposing a less severe sentence.
  18. 32. discharge, a sentencing option used by a judge whereby no conviction is entered but are attached to a probation order.
  19. 36. a defense that may excuse a person from criminal liability if it can be shown that he or she acted to protect life or limb in a reasonable manner