  1. 1. monetary security posted to secure the defendants release from pretrial detention
  2. 3. classification of crime by the severity of punishment
  3. 8. the initial charging instrument against the defendant
  4. 13. the alleged offender in a criminal prosecution
  5. 14. a public official appointed to hear and decide legal issues in a court case
  6. 15. a procedure during which the judge reads the formal charge to the defendant and illicits a plea
  7. 17. the jury decision as to guilt or innocence
  8. 18. unable to afford legal representation in a criminal prosecution
  1. 1. the procedure during which law-enforcement records information about the defendant after arrest
  2. 2. when a defendant is taken into custody or deprived of freedom of movement
  3. 4. the process during which the prosecution and defense exchange information about a case
  4. 5. written, published law that an administrative agency enacts
  5. 6. a request for the court to issue an order
  6. 7. attorneys who represent the state of federal government in a criminal prosecution
  7. 9. a previous court decision followed in stare decisis
  8. 10. the postconviction phase of the criminal proceedings during which the court imposes a penalty
  9. 11. a formal charge issued by a grand jury at a grand jury proceeding
  10. 12. the individual suing in a civil litigation matter
  11. 14. a group of individuals chosen to be the decision-maker at a trial
  12. 16. the federal legislative branch of government, responsible for enacting federal statues