Criminal History

  1. 2. COURT LIABILITY Being found liable to pay damages to another person by a civil court of law.
  2. 4. This happens when having considered the character of the offender and the nature and circumstances of a crime, the court deems that punishment would not be appropriate. There are two types: conditional and absolute.
  3. 6. When a person takes something belonging to another person, without that person's consent and without having any right to it.
  4. 8. When a person intentionally or recklessly causes damage by fire or explosion to property, whether or not that person owns the property.
  5. 9. Including possession, possession for purpose of trafficking, trafficking, importing and exporting, and production.
  6. 10. When a person causes an economic loss to another person or endangers the economic interests of another person by using dishonest means or by lying.
  7. 12. When a person knowingly possesses items obtained by illegal means.
  1. 1. When a person intentionally damages property belonging to another person.
  2. 3. A violation of the Criminal Code of Canada.
  3. 5. Judgement, as by a jury or judge, that a defendant is not guilty of a crime as charged.
  4. 7. Eliminates the potential future effects of the conviction on the reputation of the accused.
  5. 11. To cancel a policy retroactively to the effective date and to return any premiums collected.