Criminal Investigations Terms

  1. 2. The person on the team of three in crime scene investigation who takes charge and talks to the judge about details on the case
  2. 4. The internal examination of a body after death; performed to confirm or determine the cause of death
  3. 5. Which sheet is used to keep track of who enters/exits the crime scene during an investigation
  4. 6. This person's exchange principal says that every touch leaves a trace
  5. 10. The crime of intentionally setting fire to buildings and other property
  6. 14. What CSI stands for
  7. 15. Blood that travels from a source due to the movement of that source. A bleeding person will cast-off blood, as will a weapon or other item that is in movement
  8. 16. The name of the eagle who taught us "Stop, don't touch! Leave the area, tell an adult"
  9. 17. Type of fingerprint that is impressions left on soft, malleable surfaces
  10. 18. This type of evidence is physical evidence that results from the transfer of small quantities of materials
  11. 19. The degree of pre-meditated murder with the intent to kill
  12. 20. An action that was not intended, or otherwise a mistake
  1. 1. What FBI stands for
  2. 3. The person on the team of three in crime scene investigation who takes photos of the crime scene
  3. 7. The degree of NOT pre-meditated murder, but still intended to kill
  4. 8. Type of fingerprint that is visible to the human eye
  5. 9. Type of fingerprint that is not readably visible to the human eye
  6. 11. The person on the team of three in crime scene investigation that illustrates the crime scene
  7. 12. The process used to maintain and document the chronological history of the evidence; Chain of ______
  8. 13. Deoxyribonucleic Acid