Criminal Justice 1 Vocabulary

  1. 2. An inclusive meausre of the violent and property crime categories.
  2. 4. The process by wich a court arrives at a decision reguarding a case.
  3. 5. A goal of criminal sentencing that seeks to inhibit criminal behavior through the fear of punishment.
  4. 7. The unlawful entry of a structure or dwelling house in the night time to commit a felony or a theft.
  5. 9. Something that is not based on the personal knowledge of a witness.
  6. 11. Any person who unlawfully attacks another or attempts to inflict injury to another person.
  7. 13. Generally, any accusation that a person has committed an offense, received by or originating from a law enforcement or prosecutorial agency or received by a court.
  8. 15. Recording an entry into detention after arrest and identifying the person, the place, the time, the reason for the arrest, and the arresting autority.
  9. 17. The unlawful taking or attempted taking, carrying leading, or riding away of property from the posession of another.
  1. 1. The judgemnt of a court, based on a verdict of a jury or judicial officer, that the defendant is not guilty.
  2. 3. The unlawful killing of a human being.
  3. 6. The unlawful taking or attempted taking of property that is in the immediate posession of another by force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear.
  4. 8. A document gaurenteeing the appearence of a defendant in court as required by pledge of money or property to be paid to the court if they do not appear.
  5. 10. the burning or attempted burning of property with or without the intent to defraud.
  6. 12. The most extreme of all sentencing options, the death penalty.
  7. 14. The intentional making of a false statement as part of a testimoney by a sworn witnes in a judicial proceeding.
  8. 16. the transportation of a person without authority of law and without their consent.