Criminal Justice 2 - Level 2

  1. 7. when a party who didn't call a witness to the stand goes after the party that did call the witness to the stand to challenge the testimony they gave
  2. 8. initial questioning of a witness by the party who called them to the stand
  3. 10. The judge decides whether or not there is enough evidence to bring a case against the defendant
  4. 14. when a murder is committed with malicious intent and or in an extremely violent manner but was not premeditated and acted out in the moment
  5. 15. the help of a lawyer whether state-appointed or private with the defendant
  6. 16. when a trial is halted or declared invalid before a verdict has been delivered
  7. 18. carrying out a search without a warrant
  8. 20. state sanctioned execution of a person for a crime
  1. 1. a hearing where the defendant finds out the judge's verdict and any punishment they have to serve
  2. 2. Little to no contact with any other people whilst in prison
  3. 3. whether or not there is enough evidence for an officer to proceed with a search, seizure, or arrest
  4. 4. 15 jurors who decide whether or not to bring charges against the defendent
  5. 5. during a felony a murder was committed
  6. 6. formal reading in front of a judge and the defendant of the charges against them
  7. 9. lying under oath
  8. 11. the official power to make legal judgments over a case or where an officer of the law is allowed to operate ex. (Topeka police can't arrest you in Wichita)
  9. 12. independent people from the community who know nothing about the case and are willing to only listen to the evidence
  10. 13. The defendant agrees to plead guilty for a lesser sentence
  11. 17. insufficient that prevents a judge or jury from finding a defendant not guilty of a crime
  12. 19. a method of release in which someone is released but they may have to wear an ankle monitor or meet with parol officer each month