Criminal Justice

  1. 5. of Social Control an organization that persuades people, through subtle and not-so-subtle means to abide by the dominant values of society.
  2. 6. a serious offense punishable by death or by confinement in a state prison.
  3. 7. a politically defined geographical area such as a city, a county, a state, or a nation. In North Carolina, it essentially means the authority of the State of North Carolina to try a defendant for a criminal offense. Jurisdiction is simply the “court’s power to decide a case or issue a decree.”
  4. 9. the county or district within which a criminal or civil case must be heard.
  5. 13. The seizing and detaining of a person by lawful authority.
  6. 16. Cause A standard of proof that requires evidence sufficient to make a reasonable person believe that, more likely than not, the proposed action is justified.
  7. 17. a less serious crime generally punishable by a fine or by incarceration in jail for not more than 150 days
  8. 18. Bargaining an arrangement between prosecutor and defendant whereby the defendant pleads guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a more lenient sentence or an agreement to drop other charges.
  1. 1. the institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge. (Charging someone with a crime and putting them on trial).
  2. 2. the first step in a criminal proceeding where the defendant is brought in front of the court to hear the charges against them and enter a plea.
  3. 3. The administrative recording of an arrest. Typically, The suspect’s name, the charge, and perhaps the suspect’s fingerprints or photograph are entered in the police blotter.
  4. 4. a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime
  5. 8. punishments - a form of criminal punishment that lie between total confinement and probation. They are less restrictive than total confinement in prisons and jails, but more concentrated and centered than probation.(i.e. House Arrest - Driving School etc.)
  6. 10. a monetary guarantee deposited with the court to ensure that suspects or defendants will appear at a later stage in the criminal justice process
  7. 11. Violation a violation of a local law enacted by a county, city or town. Examples are Discharging a Weapon Within City Limits or Surfing within 300 feet of a pier
  8. 12. Hearing a pretrial stage at which a judge determines whether there is probable cause. If the judge finds probable cause, the defendant is bound over for possible indictment or arraignment.
  9. 14. Trial An immediate trial without a jury
  10. 15. Corpus a fundamental right in the Constitution that protects against unlawful and indefinite imprisonment. In its simplest form a writ of habeas corpus requires that a person who is in custody be brought before a judge or court and that they be able to challenge that custody. The writ of habeas corpus is used to attack unlawful detention or illegal imprisonment.