Criminal Justice

  1. 2. the person who commits the crime
  2. 6. a less serious crime
  3. 8. a more serious crime
  4. 9. "father of forensic toxicology"
  5. 11. who established the comparison microscope as the indispensable tool of the modern firearms examiner
  6. 13. trying a defendant twice for the same offense
  7. 15. violation of criminal law
  8. 16. the person who is affected by the crime
  9. 20. a written code or regulation that protects citizen's rights
  10. 21. the transfer of evidence principle was theorized by who
  11. 22. money bond or property posted by the accused to allow pretrial release from jail
  12. 23. information in the form of testimony, documents, or physical objects
  13. 24. maintains the largest crime laboratory in the world
  14. 25. who devised a technique for determining the blood group of a dried bloodstain
  1. 1. who undertook the first definitive study of fingerprints as a method of personal identification
  2. 3. a defense to prove that a defendant was at another place at the time of the alleged crime
  3. 4. court order authorizing a search or arrest
  4. 5. forcing a defendant to testify or provide information against himself
  5. 7. reasonable grounds for a search
  6. 10. oldest forensic laboratory in the United States
  7. 12. requirement by the government to be fair in its actions
  8. 14. the creator of the field of criminalities
  9. 17. the fictional character of sherlock holmes was created by
  10. 18. developed the system known as anthropometry
  11. 19. the final evaluator of forensic evidence