criminal justice

  1. 2. small criminal conduct punishable by incarceration for less than a year
  2. 4. the enforcement by police,the courts,and correction institute
  3. 7. a combination of trespass and the intent to commit a crime
  4. 8. intentionally killing/ causing death in the course of aggravated felonies
  5. 9. police restricting freedom and taking custody of a person
  6. 11. the two court systems of federal and state
  1. 1. highest court in the judiciary system
  2. 2. killing someone without intent to kill them
  3. 3. the willful and malicious burning of a structure
  4. 5. the party who sued in a lawsuit
  5. 6. temporary release of the defendant prior to trial
  6. 10. the party who files a civil lawsuit against the party who is alleged to have done harm