criminal justice

  1. 3. punishments that are excessively harsh
  2. 4. bans use of illegally obtained evidence
  3. 6. used to search anyone’s place at any time (used by the brits)
  4. 10. no monitoring/recording conversations (depending on state)
  5. 12. having to stand trial more than once for the same crime
  6. 14. percentage of african americans in the prison system
  7. 16. permits evidence obtained illegally if it would have eventually been found
  8. 18. schools are allowed to drug test all students in extracurricular activities
  9. 19. being forced to testify against yourself; fifth amendment
  10. 21. need a specific warrants
  11. 24. questioning whether or not something is private or not
  12. 26. percentage of african americans in the US population
  13. 27. cruel and unusual punishment
  1. 1. court case questioning whether police searching trash is constitutional
  2. 2. court order allowing the search of someone’s property
  3. 5. suspicion, supported by facts, which leads police to believe a crime has been committed
  4. 7. percentage of those in prison that are below the poverty line
  5. 8. money paid for temporary release
  6. 9. evidence found illegally cannot be used against defendant in court
  7. 11. schools are allowed to drug test student athletes
  8. 13. everything being criminalized especially if they don’t know that it is
  9. 15. double jeopardy; self-incrimination
  10. 17. the order in which things after arrest happen
  11. 20. percentage of world’s prisoners in the US
  12. 22. people must tell police officers their names
  13. 23. reducing overcriminalization will decrease poverty rates by this percent
  14. 25. right to a lawyer; speedy trial