Criminal Justice

  1. 2. Being tried for the same crime twice.
  2. 4. Suspicion supported by facts.
  3. 8. Court case- Schools are allowed to drug test all students in extracurricular activities.
  4. 9. Eighth. Hurting people already arrested for no reason.
  5. 13. Questioning what is private and what isn’t.
  6. 18. Fifth. Protects from testifying against oneself.
  7. 19. Right to an attorney, fair and speedy trial.
  8. 20. Court case- People must tell police officers their names.
  1. 1. Something that would be discovered and used in court eventually.
  2. 3. People getting arrested for victimless crimes, generally for things they didn’t know was a crime.
  3. 5. Court case- Schools are allowed to drug test athletes.
  4. 6. Used to search any place at any time. No specifications.
  5. 7. Court case- No monitoring/recording conversations.
  6. 10. The order in which things after arrests happen.
  7. 11. Court case- Evidence found illegally cannot be used in the court of law.
  8. 12. Court case- Trial questioning if police searching trash was constitutional.
  9. 14. What’s paid before trial and gets paid back.
  10. 15. No cruel and unusual punishment.
  11. 16. Need for a specific warrant.
  12. 17. Double jeopardy, self-incrimination.
  13. 21. Police can’t use evidence collected unlawfully.