Criminal Justice 2's Review

  1. 3. Evidence that is obtained illegally must be thrown out
  2. 6. The process of releasing an incarcerated person from jail or prison before the trial on certain conditions
  3. 8. When a factfinder cannot say with moral certainty that a person is guilty or a particular fact exists
  4. 10. A trial rendered invalid through an error in the proceedings
  5. 11. The questioning of a witness brought to the stand by the questioning lawyer's side of the courthouse
  6. 13. An initial speech made by each side in a trial, summarizing the main points of the case they will make for the jury.
  7. 15. Obtaining a Lawyer
  8. 18. Any search of a person or property without a search warrant from a judge
  9. 20. an arrangement between a prosecutor and a defendant whereby the defendant pleads guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for evidence or a confession
  1. 1. a hearing to determine if a person charged with a felony should be tried for the crime charged, based on whether there is some substantial evidence that he/she committed the crime
  2. 2. A court proceeding in which a judge imposes penalties after a criminal conviction
  3. 4. Murder with malicious intent but was not premeditated
  4. 5. The final address to the jury by the attorney for each side of a case in which the attorney usually summarizes the evidence and his or her client's position
  5. 7. A rule that allows a defendant to be charged with first-degree murder for a killing that occurs during a dangerous felony, even if the defendant is not the killer
  6. 9. To lock a person up in prison or jail
  7. 12. Independent people from the surrounding community who are willing to decide the case based only on the evidence.
  8. 14. The questioning of a witness brought to the stand by the opposite lawyer's side of the courthouse
  9. 16. When a person has to stay incarcerated in a jail before the trial
  10. 17. Any reasonable person would suspect that a crime was in the process of being committed; Used in schools
  11. 19. The first step in a criminal proceeding where the defendant is brought in front of the court to hear the charges against them and enter a plea