Criminal Justice 4

  1. 4. A monetary payment.
  2. 7. Intentionally setting a structure on fire is called ____.
  3. 8. The preferred weapon used in a robbery.
  4. 10. Which department was created after the terrorist attacks on 9/11. (Use the abbreviation/acronym).
  5. 11. A person sentenced for less than one year, or someone awaiting trial, will serve their time in a ________.
  6. 12. Who is the first director of the FBI? (last name)
  1. 1. An officer's freedom to make judgements, such as the right to decide to give a ticket or a warning, is called _____.
  2. 2. A ____ is a serious crime, usually involving time in prison.
  3. 3. Before questioning a suspect in custody, the officer must read the suspect their ________ rights.
  4. 5. ______ officers wear plainclothes and try to blend into their surroundings.
  5. 6. When the jury is not able to reach a verdict, it is known as a:
  6. 9. The Sheriff of Pasco County (last name).