criminal justice

  1. 2. an objective of e someone to an upsetting sentence in hopes they plea guilty
  2. 4. challenges a defendants objection to the opposed juror
  3. 11. grounds for making a search to an area and pressing charges
  4. 12. exempt from the legal process
  5. 13. Police officials have the right to seize evidence without a warrant if it is easily visual to them.
  6. 14. the process of restricting a prisoners rights or freedom to protect the community and society
  7. 15. the restoration of former rights or abillities.
  8. 17. the right to due process
  9. 18. Characteristics of a person who is likely to be using or selling drugs
  10. 20. a legal document that allows the police to search the location ad press charges if something illegal is found.
  11. 21. A series of rights required by the police to state to a person when being prosecuted to inform them of their right to an attorney and silence.
  12. 22. the act of basing grounds of suspision based on their race
  13. 23. Acrminal is informed of their charges against them
  14. 25. post peliminary hearing allows the sides to speak about what evidence should not be used in the trial.
  15. 29. A hearing put on by a file from the prosecutor to determine if there is enough evidence to take the case to trial.
  16. 32. the act of setting a reasonable and fitting crime based on the defendant and the crime commited
  17. 33. A plea where a criminal defendant is found guilty but the defendant himself does not admit to the guilt.
  18. 37. a police officer has the right to stop someone for supision and search their person for weapons
  19. 39. property that is illegal to transport or sell
  20. 41. A law that prohibits the use of evidence illegally aquired in the court of law
  1. 1. the questioning of a detained person suspected of connectivity to a criminal case
  2. 3. the illegal action for forcing a person to testify against themselves
  3. 5. support or strengthen with more evidence.
  4. 6. issued to avoid corruption in the judicial system
  5. 7. The release of a criminal before the trail without bail
  6. 8. circumstances Circumstances where a criminal is not dismissed of the crime based on the situation but a lesser sentence is addressed
  7. 9. Agreement between a defendant and prosecutor that the defendant will plead guilty for a lesser charge.
  8. 10. a writ that is sent by the government agencies to compel a witness to testify
  9. 16. A formal accusation of a serious crime
  10. 19. the release of a criminal for a period of time or extended time with the following behavioral conditions
  11. 24. laws stating someone be discriminated against based on race gender or sexuality
  12. 26. report the backround research done on a person to check their extenuating circumstances exceed the criminal boundires
  13. 27. a security deposit of a check or cash to the court on behalf of a convicted criminal.
  14. 28. a large group of citizens that review the accusation before the trial
  15. 30. to inspect and question a suspected criminal or accomplice aggressively
  16. 31. A personal who formally writes a petition for the judicial action in a suit
  17. 34. to take and hold a convicted person in custody suspicious of committing a illegal action
  18. 35. a trial that is found invalid because of an error made in the processing of the case
  19. 36. the policing right to stop someone with cause and search for weapons
  20. 38. the process of documenting and filing a criminals arrest
  21. 40. a legal document composed by a judge informing a person of legal order they must attain to.