criminal justice AW-4

  1. 2. warrant a warrant issued by a judge or magistrate on behalf of the state which authorizes the arrest
  2. 5. a person that commits a crime
  3. 6. a crime typically involving violence
  4. 9. a type of offense punishable under criminal law
  5. 10. causes a reasonable person would believe that a crime was in the process of being committed
  6. 12. the first step in a criminal proceeding where the defendant is brought in front of the court to hear the charges against them and enter a plea
  7. 13. bargains an agreement between a prosecutor and defendant that relies upon the defendant pleading guilty to some or all charges
  1. 1. a legal offense to which all parties consent and no party is injured
  2. 2. to declare an innocent of a crime or wrongdoing
  3. 3. crimes generally non-violent in nature
  4. 4. a person who is under eighteen
  5. 5. justice system the laws procedures, institutions
  6. 7. a natural person or entity failing to perform an obligation
  7. 8. any act that breaks the law
  8. 11. the action of suspending the sentence of a convicted offender and giving the offender freedom during good behavior under the supervision of a probation officer