Criminal Justice Chapter 1 Crossword

  1. 5. The authority to make decisions and enforce the law
  2. 6. Penalty or Punishment
  3. 8. Powerful groups create laws to protect their values and interests
  4. 9. Scheme whereby is sentenced for a flexible time period 5-10 years
  5. 11. Taking Custody of someone after they committed a crime
  6. 13. Another term for not guilty
  7. 14. Early release from prison but with supervision of parole agency
  8. 15. A set of ruler or values that spell out appropriate human contact
  9. 16. A model by Padar emphasizes law and order
  10. 17. A Element of aggravation that tends to put more blame in offender
  11. 18. Explains how society creates laws due to a result in common interests
  12. 19. Crime Control strategy where 3 or more violent offenses they will be sentenced
  13. 20. Movement of defendant's cases through criminal justice process
  1. 1. Information given to the courts by police allows persecutor decide if charges will be filed
  2. 2. Proccess which allows defendent to respond to charges brought against him/her
  3. 3. Four tiered hierachy exists
  4. 4. Legal finding of the jury that offender is guilty
  5. 7. Fixed period sentence ordered by court
  6. 10. Circumstance that would tend to lessen severity of sentences
  7. 12. Advocates defendant's presumption of innocence