Criminal Justice - Current Affairs

  1. 1. Amendment, protects from search and seizure
  2. 3. ____ decriminalization would reduce incarceration rates
  3. 6. State courts have ______ jurisdiction
  4. 11. must be presented for search or seizure of property
  5. 12. Suing for civil rights etc are ____ cases
  6. 13. Kidnapping & bank robbery etc are ____ cases
  7. 16. Police ____ is at the basis of many reforms
  8. 18. Average amount of time spent on death row 22 ___
  9. 19. Verdict in Derek Chauvin case
  10. 21. Place for longer sentences; more severe crimes
  11. 22. official punishment determined by judge
  12. 24. Black Americans are ____ likely than white Americans to be killed by police
  13. 25. Amendment, right to trial by jury and attorney
  1. 2. Risk for returning citizens without housing
  2. 3. Removal of the right to vote
  3. 4. A form of punishment by paying an amount of money
  4. 5. Most common property crime
  5. 7. proposal to ban no-______ warrants
  6. 8. Place for shorter sentences; awaiting trial
  7. 9. Earlier release from prison, under supervision
  8. 10. separation of prisoner from general population
  9. 14. Amendment, protects from cruel, unusual punishment
  10. 15. Federal courts have ______ jurisdiction
  11. 17. Amendment, protects from self-incrimination
  12. 20. _____ Penalty is abolished in 23 states and D.C.
  13. 23. Contributed to mass incarceration, ___ strike policy