Criminal Justice DB-4

  1. 2. In most states, a person under 18.
  2. 6. A person that has committed a crime.
  3. 8. Crimes Crimes committed by people in their course of work.
  4. 9. Less serious crimes, such as traffic violations or disorderly conduct.
  5. 11. Juveniles who break the law.
  6. 12. Cause The reason for an arrest,based on the knowledge of a crime and the available evidence.
  7. 15. Serious crimes, such as homicide and kidnapping.
  1. 1. Crimes Crimes in which there is no victim whose rights are invaded by another person.
  2. 3. Any act that breaks the law.
  3. 4. A period of time during which a person guilty of an offense does not go to prison but instead must follow certain rules and report to a probation officer.
  4. 5. Justice System The system of police, courts, and corrections used to bring criminals to justice.
  5. 7. Process during which an accused person appears before a court to enter a plea of guilty or not guilty.
  6. 10. Warrant An authorization by a court to make an arrest.
  7. 13. To find defendant not guilty.
  8. 14. Bargain An agreement between the prosecutor and the defense in which an accused person pleads guilty to reduced charge.