Criminal Justice Essentials - Final Exam Review #1

  1. 4. Declare the punishment decided for (an offender)
  2. 6. Apply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court
  3. 7. Seize (someone) by legal authority and take into custody
  4. 11. A person is justified in threatening or using force against another when and to the extent that he or she reasonably believes that such threat or force is necessary to defend himself
  5. 12. Chief justice of the supreme court of Georgia
  6. 13. The state of being confined in prison; imprisonment
  7. 14. Amendement of the US constitution that describes Due Process
  8. 15. Jury must be free of bias and prejudice
  9. 17. Threats, violence, constraints, or other action brought to bear on someone to do something against their will or better judgement
  10. 20. A "trial before the trial" at which the judge decides, not whether the defendant is "guilty" or "not guilty," but whether there is enough evidence to force the defendant to stand trial
  11. 21. Argues that “too young" to be guilty of the requisite mens rea to commit criminal acts
  12. 22. Defendants must prove to the court that they: Didn't understand what they were doing; Failed to know right from wrong; Acted on an uncontrollable impulse; Or some variety of these factors
  13. 23. Crime in which a person takes property of another from the person or the immediate presence of another
  1. 1. A decision on a disputed issue in a civil or criminal case or an inquest
  2. 2. A formal hearing in a criminal case where defendants are advised of the charges that have been filed against them.
  3. 3. A formal examination of evidence before a judge, and typically before a jury, in order to decide guilt in a case of criminal or civil proceedings
  4. 5. When a law enforcement officer, or his/her agent, has induced someone to commit a crime who was not already predisposed to committing it
  5. 8. State cannot unnecessarily delay trial
  6. 9. Chief justice of the United States supreme court
  7. 10. This defense is used when an act is committed with mens rea but under specific extenuating circumstances.
  8. 16. Crime in which a person unlawfully, with malice aforethought, causes the death of another human being
  9. 18. Reasonable grounds (for making a search, pressing a charge, etc.)
  10. 19. A formal charge or accusation of a serious crime