Criminal Justice Final

  1. 1. ___________ is not required to search a suspect on parole or probation.
  2. 3. __________ is responsible in issuing a warrant in the Judical system.
  3. 4. Being Morally correct
  4. 6. __________ has jurisdiction in all 50 states and US territories.
  5. 7. ___________ is believing a crime could be or did occure and detaining the suspect to investigate
  6. 8. ______________ warning is given to defendants berfore questioning
  7. 11. ________ of police is the highest-ranking officer in a Police Department
  8. 12. Officers can make an arrest for a ______________ without a warrant if the crime was committed in front of the officer,
  9. 14. ________ is given if the judge deems its appropriate, and the defendant is released to return later to court.
  10. 16. There are twenty-seven Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
  11. 19. ___________ amendment has to do with self-incrimination.
  12. 20. A close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well, is?
  13. 21. A defense attorney job is to prove reasonable __________ to the prosecution's case.
  14. 24. ____________is when the prosecution and the defense attorney reach a deal for the defendant to plead guilty.
  15. 27. _____________ is equal to intent to commit a crime
  16. 28. Officers may use __________ when to issue a citation or not.
  17. 29. Study of Body communication
  1. 2. ____________ is equal to the act to commit the crime
  2. 3. _____________ is the area of responsibility for a police department.
  3. 5. Decides what charges to bring against the defendent.
  4. 9. An ______________ is a sworn statement of facts that provides probable cause to the court for the basis of the warrant.
  5. 10. Suspect has a right to make a phone call after _______.
  6. 13. __________ amendment protects a person from cruel and unusual punishment.
  7. 15. Linking evidence to prove facts
  8. 17. To protect and serve is the _________ for police officers.
  9. 18. the ___________ protection under the law is covered under the fourteenth amendment.
  10. 22. ____________may represent themself in a criminal trial.
  11. 23. If an officer is legally in a location and they observe any evidence sitting in ________________ they may seize that evidence without a search warrant and use it in trial against a suspect.
  12. 25. an officer must establish probable cause to arrest a __________ suspect
  13. 26. There are _______ Amendments to the U.S. Constitution that are considered Due Process Amendments.