criminal justice JP-2

  1. 4. Serious crimes, such as murder and kidnapping.
  2. 10. for a crime.
  3. 12. Less serious crimes like traffic violation.
  4. 13. When the jury has to find the defendant guilty or
  5. 16. A person who commits any type of crime.
  6. 17. that the suspect did it.
  7. 18. a punishment.
  8. 20. A confirmation from a judge that the officer
  1. 1. Crimes that do not violate a persons
  2. 2. When the defendant can plead guilty to a leaser
  3. 3. corrections.
  4. 5. A system that has police,courts
  5. 6. Officer must have seen the crime and has
  6. 7. A time where the defendant can get theirself together
  7. 8. crimes Non-violent crimes
  8. 9. A young person who commits a crime.
  9. 11. permission to arrest or check their personal
  10. 14. prove that they can change.
  11. 15. When the juvenile is found guilty of a crime.
  12. 16. Any act that breaks the law and for which there
  13. 19. When the accused can plead guilty or not.