criminal justice OS-3

  1. 2. nonviolent crimes
  2. 3. the defendant that is jury must find him or her not her not guilty of the crime
  3. 7. gambling ilegal drug use
  4. 9. a kid under the age of 18
  5. 11. when the defendant enters a plea of guilty or not guilty to the charge
  6. 13. any act that is breaking the law
  7. 14. officer that witnessed the crime or got enough evidence to make an arest
  8. 15. a period of time during which offenders are given and oppertunity to show that they can reform
  1. 1. the three part system consisting of the police
  2. 4. a person who commits any type crime
  3. 5. when they are found of breaking a law
  4. 6. less serious offenses such
  5. 8. crimes such as murder and kidnapping
  6. 10. bargain defendant may plea guilty to a lesser offense than the original charge
  7. 12. an arrest warrent is an authorization by the court to make an arrest