Criminal Justice Process

  1. 3. This is paid to make sure the defendant shows up for the trial
  2. 5. same as no contest
  3. 6. amendment protects against unreasonable searches
  4. 7. needed to make a search
  5. 9. formally charged with a crime
  6. 11. formal record of someone's arrest
  7. 12. name of the rights read when the police want to question you
  1. 1. the rule used by the court to remove evidence seized illegally
  2. 2. type of cause where there is belief someone committed a crime
  3. 4. paying back the loss to a victim
  4. 8. asking the court to a make a ruling on an issue
  5. 10. Certain emergencies that call for immediate action and therefore do not allow time to obtain a search warrant are called?