Criminal Justice Process

  1. 4. the restriction of the freedom of a person by taking him or her into police custody
  2. 7. This includes finger printing when they first arrive at the police station
  3. 8. Police need this to be provided a warrant
  4. 11. formal verdict on whether or not there is enough evidence to go to trial
  5. 12. This is where the judge determines if you have enough to go to trial
  1. 1. only the defendant can do this in criminal court after the verdict is handed down
  2. 2. the part in the process where offenders are treated in either incarceration, rehabilitation, parole, and probation
  3. 3. a hearing where the prosecution and defense present evidence to establish the defendant's guilt or innocence. The burden is on the prosecution to prove the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt
  4. 5. the part in the process in which the judge determines what the punishment shall be for a defendant who is found guilty of at least 1 charge in criminal court
  5. 6. a hearing in which you as a defendant can plea guilty or not guilty
  6. 9. monetary amount that the judge will set for your freedom before trial
  7. 10. refers to the careful search or examination with an intention to discover facts. This may include questioning of witnesses, forensic examination and investigation of financial records.