Criminal Justice Punishment

  1. 3. punishment of criminals that is intended to be an example to the general public and to discourage the commission of offenses
  2. 5. a variety of punishments that are more restrictive than traditional probation but less severe and less costly than incarceration.
  3. 10. a period set by a judge that specifies a minimum and a maximum time to be served in prison. Sometime after the minimum, the offender may be eligible for parole.
  4. 11. a sentence that fixes the term of imprisonment at a specific period.
  5. 12. depriving an offender of the ability to commit crimes against society, usually by detaining the offender in prison
  6. 14. the goal of restoring a convicted offender to a constructive place in society through some form of vocational or educational training or therapy
  1. 1. punishment designed to repair the damage done to the victim and community by an offender's criminal act
  2. 2. a sentence for which the legislature or a commission sets a minimum and a maximum range of months or years. Judges are to fix the length of the sentence within that range, allowing for special circumstances.
  3. 4. making the best use of expensive and limited prison space by targeting for incarceration those individuals whose incapacitation will do the most to reduce crime in society.
  4. 6. a sentence determined by statutes and requiring that a certain penalty be imposed and carried out for convicted offenders who meet certain criteria.
  5. 7. a sentence in which the offender is released after a short incarceration and resentenced to probation
  6. 8. punishment inflicted on a person who has harmed others and so deserves to be penalized
  7. 9. punishment inflicted on criminals to discourage them from committing future crimes
  8. 13. a sentence that the offender is allowed to serve under supervision in the community