Criminal Justice Review

  1. 3. punishment or fine that doesn’t fit the crime committed
  2. 4. The court case that ruled that recording of a conversation without permission is invasion of privacy
  3. 6. The court case that ruled that you may not use evidence obtained illegally in a trial
  4. 9. having to stand trial twice for the same crime
  5. 10. Which amendment protects against self-incrimination and double jeopardy?
  6. 15. if the police prove the evidence would have been found through legal means
  7. 17. Which amendment states that warrants can only be issued with probable cause?
  1. 1. when the state seizes evidence without a legal warrant
  2. 2. a document needed to search or seize a property
  3. 5. suspicion that a person committed a crime
  4. 7. If the accused person has no money the government must provide an _______.
  5. 8. no one must testify under oath at their own trial
  6. 11. Which amendment protects against cruel and unusual punishment?
  7. 12. the rights that you have in a court case
  8. 13. those in poverty who are incarcerated?
  9. 14. Which amendment states that you have the right to a speedy trial?
  10. 16. money used to pay to get out of jail before your trial
  11. 18. Anyone with information about a crime may be asked to present at the ______.