Criminal Justice Sentencing Vocab

  1. 3. when punishments are designed so that criminals make amends to the victim
  2. 5. when justices is defined by seeking what overall benefits an entire society
  3. 10. a period of brief incarceration followed by probation
  4. 12. payments for financial losses of a victim paid by the criminal
  5. 14. judges have discretion and are provided a range of punishments to pick from but can also could pick something else
  6. 17. period of time required for public service works by a criminal that gets no financial gain
  7. 18. judges are given no discreastion for sentencing and must punish according to laws
  8. 21. a punishment that includes incarceration and supervision in alternative fashion
  9. 22. the freedom to decide
  10. 23. a sentence of incarceration that is base on a range of time (1-5 years)
  11. 25. to remove a person from society and prevent their ability to commit another crime
  1. 1. GUIDELINES judges have limited discretion and must used mandatory guidelines unless they have a valid reason otherwise
  2. 2. early release for incarceration before a sentence is completed but the person is still under supervision
  3. 4. a financial penalty for a crime
  4. 6. confinement to a jail or prison for a period of time
  5. 7. a sentences of incarceration for a precise period of time
  6. 8. known as capital punishment the death penalty is available in 32 states
  7. 9. the return to criminal activity after completing a punishment for a previous crime
  8. 11. the attempt to stop crimes by instilling fear into people about the punishment if caught
  9. 13. a violent crime triggered by an event that cause uncontrollable rage
  10. 15. the attempt to change a person through some program to prevent recidivism
  11. 16. the phase of a trial in which a punishment is imposed after a conviction is reached
  12. 19. to act in a way that is fair and reasonable based in the circumstances
  13. 20. supervision of a person not incarcerated for a period of time while there is a suspended sentence of incarceration in place
  14. 24. a court that uses treatment programs first and traditional sentencing last