Criminal Justice SG1

  1. 1. The state of being extremely poor
  2. 4. Testifying against yourself may cause this
  3. 6. Warrrants can’t be provided without this
  4. 7. The right to remain silent
  5. 10. This amendment states you have a right to a speedy trial
  6. 11. prevents the government from using illegally obtained evidence
  7. 12. Court case involved searching a trash can
  8. 15. protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures from the government
  9. 17. Cannot search property without this
  10. 18. the first 10 amendments
  1. 2. overuse of criminal law to address every societal issue and punish every mistake
  2. 3. The Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional to wire tap a public phone booth
  3. 5. Temporary release of an accused person
  4. 8. evidence that would eventually be discovered either way
  5. 9. Being charged with the same crime twice at the same time
  6. 13. A test administered to check for drugs in the body
  7. 14. Rights that are provided to the citizen
  8. 16. This amendment states that cruel and unusual punishment may not be inflicted