Criminal Justice System

  1. 3. the accused pleads this to accept the charges but not guilty.
  2. 5. A date is set for this if the accused pleads not guilty or not guilty by reason of insanity
  3. 7. Parole is the ________ release of a prisoner before their full sentence has been served.
  4. 9. Crimes against the individual are crimes against the _____.
  5. 12. Roughly _____ the inmates released from State prison will return
  6. 13. Examples of these programs include drug treatment, individual or group counseling, or referral to educational and recreational programs.
  7. 14. Offenders sentenced to more than 1 year go to ______
  8. 16. This is imposed after a conviction
  9. 20. This official determines the date and conditions of parole as well as revolks parol.
  10. 22. A suspect must be _______ and apprehended for the case to proceed through the system
  11. 23. This status offense is not applicable to adults
  12. 24. This is the primary penalties for minor offenses
  13. 25. This allows the convicted person to remain at liberty but still subject to certain restrictions such as drug testing or drug treatment
  1. 1. Offenders sentenced to less than 1 year generally go here
  2. 2. These courts have jurisdiction of matters over children
  3. 4. A lot of the services necessary to prevent crime and make neighborhoods safe are supplied by ________ justice agencies
  4. 6. This criminal justice official Files charges, Seek indictments, Drops cases, and Reduces charges
  5. 8. The accused is scheduled for this once an indictment has been filed with the trial court.
  6. 10. This is how citizens take part in criminal justice
  7. 11. This is a part of decision making in all government systems from mental health to education, as well as criminal justice and varies between jurisdictions.
  8. 15. all States with the death penalty provide for this in cases involving a death sentence
  9. 17. The _______ _________ initiates the response to crime.
  10. 18. The accused may do this for negotiations between the prosecutor and defendant
  11. 19. Inmates can get these credits against their sentences by earning them through participation in programs
  12. 21. This happens to the accused when no charges are filed