criminal justice system

  1. 7. Drop cases, reduce charges, file charges.
  2. 8. After information in misdemeanors.
  3. 9. After being sentenced to one or more years where are you sent?
  4. 10. Enforce specific laws, search people, arrest and detain people.
  5. 11. In juvenile cases arresting officers can choose to _____ the case.
  6. 13. Sentence that results in prison time.
  7. 14. Who decides the sentence in capital offenses sometimes?
  8. 17. Revoke parole, establish date and conditions for parole.
  9. 18. What classification do minors fall under?
  10. 21. Juvenile parole from an institution.
  11. 22. Local rules and regulations are often called _____.
  1. 1. Pleading not guilty but accepting punishment.
  2. 2. offenses Examples include running away or truancy.
  3. 3. Age of juvenile court jurisdiction stops at ___.
  4. 4. After a conviction the appropriate _____ is given.
  5. 5. When the judge first informed accused of charges.
  6. 6. _____ hears evidence against defendant and has to determine guilt.
  7. 7. _____ is the conditional release of a prisoner prior to the prisoners full sentence.
  8. 11. Pre-trial decisions are often made on history with ____.
  9. 12. Set bail, accept pleas, impose sentence.
  10. 15. About ____ of prisoners released from state prisons will return.
  11. 16. Award privileges, punish inmates, assign type of correctional facility.
  12. 19. Alternative to incarceration.
  13. 20. ______ to the charges admitting innocence or guilt.